I have this
book called Are You Girls Traveling Alone: Essays in Lesbian Logic,
a collection of essays by Marilyn Murphy. One of the essays was
about the "most famous American lesbian," Jane Addams.
Well, I thought, Jane Addams never married and lived in the company of
women, but honestly, in that time, how could she have done what she did
and be married? At the UCLA Chicano Studies library, there used to
be (and may still be) a book that identifies Thomas (Tomas) Edison as
Chicano. Just another marginalized group claiming someone famous.
So when my Advanced Composition class required a
term paper, I decided to research Ms. Addams. She was, after all, a
Chicagoan, like me. And I found out, well, if she wasn't a lesbian,
she did a remarkably good impression of one. For one thing, she and
Ellen Starr Gates shared the only double bed at Hull-House.
title: Death, Diarrhoea, and Developing Nations: Nestlé and the Ethics
of Infant Formula. My Business Law prof brought this topic up in
class and I wrote a paper about it. |
Catch a Killer: The Search for the Vaccine to Prevent Poliomyelitis.
The PBS special
based on the book Patenting
the Sun came out the same year I had to take History of the Twentieth
Century. My father had had polio, and regained most of his muscle
function thanks to the Kenny method. To me, polio is an ironic
disease, a product of modern science that grew from our attempts to
prevent cholera and typhoid. I was fascinated.